God Heals Broken Hearts

God Heals Broken Hearts

God wants to heal our broken hearts.God wants to heal the one who has been emotionally wounded… the one who has been betrayed… the one who is in such inner turmoil that they can’t eat or sleep… the one who has been so disappointed in the way their...


It’s important to make wise decisions. Before you do anything, you should consider how the decision will affect those around you – your spouse, your family, your friends. Most of all, you ought to think about how the decision will affect your relationship with...


You would never ask me to fix your vehicle, because I have very few clues about engines! I would rather hand my vehicle over to a mechanic – an expert. (Ask me for a cup of coffee and you’ll do better!)So many people are going around and they need to be fixed....


My grandmother, Nellie Farwell, loved to shop. In fact, I believe I inherited that gene from her.  She liked to collect china cups and saucers. These cups were passed on to my mother and her three sisters. They each have many pieces of the collection.As a...


I love to shop. In fact, I think I’m rather good at it!  I like to buy things for my friends. I like to find something that I know they will love! Despite my love of shopping, I do realize that the goods in my shopping bags only give temporary...

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