It’s important to make wise decisions. Before you do anything, you should consider how the decision will affect those around you – your spouse, your family, your friends. Most of all, you ought to think about how the decision will affect your relationship with God. If the decision you are about to make will lead you away from God, don’t do it! Your relationship with God is the most important relationship you have. You need to make Him your top priority.

Some people say to do what makes you happy. I don’t agree with that at all. Do what pleases God. This will lead to real joy. As human beings, we think we know what will make us happy – a new house, a great job, a beautiful body, romance… but when we have all these things we can still feel unfulfilled and empty.

Love God with all of your heart. All the other things will fall in place when you decide to do what pleases Him.

Matthew 6:33 – Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

God bless you! 

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