Just because you’ve failed doesn’t make you a failure. When you fail, you need to evaluate where you’ve gone wrong and fix the problem so you won’t continue to fail. You need to learn from your mistakes and try not to press the repeat button!

Also, I believe it’s important to learn from the mistakes of others. You don’t have to learn things the hard way – if you’ve witnessed someone who has made terrible mistakes, can’t you learn from that? I think you can.

You can avoid making mistakes, as well, by reading the wisdom in the Bible. Proverbs is full of wisdom. Read the Bible, meditate on it and apply it… this is a wonderful prescription to avoid much distress and turmoil in life. This is the prescription for Godly success.

Joshua 1:8 – Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

Success can be yours! God bless you! 

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