Don’t you love it when you hear your children/grandchildren say, “I love you”? When your child comes up to you and says that they love you right out of the blue, it’s just one of the best feelings ever.

Just like you love it when your child declares his/her love, so God loves it when His children offer praise to Him. We are His joy and delight.

So my thought for today is this – be uninhibited in your worship! Let Him know how much you love Him. Dance. Sing. Wave your arms. Jump up and down. Do whatever He places in your heart. Praise Him with your whole being!

“Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
Praises unto Thee.
Oh for a thousand hands to raise
In honor to the King.”
–Lyrics by The Nelons–

Have fun praising Him today! Praising Him prepares you for the storm ahead. Think about that.

God bless! 

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