As humans, we forget easily. Sometimes it takes us a long time to learn a lesson. After going through this winter season, you feel like you can hardly remember what it’s like to have a lawn! 

When things are going well, we can forget God. We can drift away from Him. We can sometimes act like we don’t need Him. Then we’re hit with a very difficult situation and we go running back to God. (Turning to Him is a good thing!)

We should want God in the good times and the tough times! If He is our best friend, we should want Him around when things are going splendidly. Imagine if you only wanted your friend around when you needed help or something from them.

Maybe that’s why we face hard times – to remind ourselves of what/who is truly important. Hard times give us an opportunity to exercise our faith.

Maybe we need a reminder today to include Him on every part of this journey called life.

God bless you today! Include Him in your day! 

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