Children need stability. Children need a loving home. I can’t think of a better place to nurture a child than in a home where the love of Jesus is present. 

We could learn a lot of lessons from Sunday School songs. “The wise man built his house upon the rock” and when the rains came, his house stood firm. The foolish man built his house upon the sand and in the same situation, his house went “splat”. The song concludes that we need to build our life on Jesus.

Teach your children and your grandchildren about the wonderful things God has done in your life. This is a great inheritance to pass on to them. I know that many of you wouldn’t be where you are today if it wasn’t for the prayers of your parents and grandparents! Think about that for a moment.

Joshua 24:15 – But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

God bless you! 

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